True Blood - a new american television series by Alan Ball. True Blood is based on The Southern Vampire Mysteries series of novels by Charlaine Harris, and details the co-existence of vampires and humans in Bon Temps.
But why this serie is better than Twilight and the other vampires hype ?

But why vampires life togehter with humans?
Japanese scientist have created syntetic blood for medical purposes. So the vampires "doesnt need" to kill humans or drink human blood.

But it have a romantic storie about vampire and a human. This are Sookie Steakhouse (the main character of the series) and the vampire Bill Compton. I dont like Bill Compton, because he seems that he has a secret. This secret will be solved in season 3.
In my opinion, I like more the vampire Eric Northman. Maybe he looks better ;) ... but he seems more interesting than Bill Compton.
In season 4 Sookie and Bill will have be relationship. But for season 4 you must wait. They are in production now.
The series start-up in germany is 16th March. They will show till season 3.
Ich hab die Serie auch gesehen auf RTL, scheint nicht gerate spannend zu sein. Aber anscheinend die anderen Staffeln, die sollen wohl besser sein...